Instructional Support & Counseling

At Innovate Academy we focus on the whole child, spiritually, emotionally and academically. We recognize that all scholars learn differently and possess a variety of strengths as well as areas where support is needed. Any scholar with exceptional needs will be admitted on a case-by-case basis as we consider if and how we can provide for each one.

After analyzing data including previous IEP’S, 504 plans and assessments, we design a Student Learner Profile with the accommodations and modifications necessary within the classroom. We also offer tutoring and/or therapy sessions outside of the classroom.

Below are details on the services we offer. Please email our Admin team for more information.


Social-Emotional Training

We offer one-on-one direct instruction for social-emotional needs to support scholar growth as recommended by Innovate Academy staff.

Push-in / Pull-Out 1-on-1

We offer 1-1 instructional support for scholars with academic struggles in reading, writing, and math as either a “push in” or “pull out” should we determine that a scholar needs these supports. We also offer an online program called LD Hope that improves executive functioning skills in areas of deficiency. The goal is for scholars to become more independent learners. LD Hope takes place first period each morning. Click here for the LD Hope website.

Please email Alicia Murphy to inquire further about LD Hope.


Our counselors touch base with all scholars and set spiritual, social and academic goals each trimester.

However if you desire for your child to meet more often, we offer counseling sessions for social and emotional needs–free of charge. If you’d like your child to meet with a counselor, use the buttons below to book initial appointment.


K-4th Counselor,
1-1 Scholar Advocate


5-8th Counselor,
1-1 Scholar Advocate