Mentor Bio


Nichole Peta M.PH.

Kindergarten Mentor Assistant

Nichole is a recent graduate of Thomas Jefferson University where she obtained her Masters in Public Health. She attended The University of South Carolina and received her Bachelors in Biology. She has been serving with ccdelco’s youth ministry for 3 years, and the Lord has led her to a staff position with both the church and Innovate Academy.

Whether it's the plants in her garden or the kiddos she gets to spend time with at the church and the school, Nichole loves watching things grow. You can always find her tending to the wellbeing of everyone around her. Her heart is to know Jesus and make him known. She is an excellent leader, support, and mentor.

She loves flowers, baking, painting and talking about Jesus. She can not wait to get to meet all of her Innovate scholars.
