Mentor Bio


Julia Barcalow, Ed.D

Academy Dean

Julia has been teaching and working with children from infants to high schoolers for over 20 years. As a teacher, she strives to promote a creative, fun environment for students to thrive while learning to their needs.

She received her Bachelor's degree in early childhood and elementary education from Widener University, her Master’s degree in elementary education from Wilkes University, and graduated with a Doctorate degree in educational leadership from St. Joseph’s University. After working in Haverford School District for 10 years, she connected with the homeschool community and taught in local co-ops and pods while raising her two daughters.

Her theater arts experience includes various local and regional theater programs as a performer, director, and producer. Her favorite roles were portraying Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ Superstar and Adelaide in Guys and Dolls. Julia considers working with children in theater an inspiration and joy.

Julia grew up in Delaware County, and currently resides in Chester County.  She enjoys camping, reading, and baking. Fun fact: she is the author of two vegan-themed children’s books.
