Mentor Bio


Anne Collins

Kindergarten Mentor

Anne received her bachelor’s degree in Integrative Arts from Pennsylvania State University in 2002. In 2005, she received her private teacher credential from the Pennsylvania Board of Private Academic Schools and her Montessori Teaching Diploma from the North American Montessori Center.

Anne has been teaching and working with children in various capacities for over 15 years. She has taught preschool through kindergarten in both traditional and Montessori settings as well as a classical home school co-op.

Anne also worked in children’s ministry where she lead a team of high school students and young adults to create large group environments by organizing and executing Bible story performances, worship experiences, and movies for preschool and elementary students on Sunday mornings and for church-wide events. One of her passions is to lead worship each summer for ccdelco’s JKids Camp, which she has been doing since 2006. She is passionate about helping children and young adults discover their God-given talents and inspiring them to use those gifts to glorify God and further His Kingdom.

Anne resides in Delaware County, Pennsylvania with her husband and three children. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, leading worship, writing songs, and reading.
