Mentor Bio


Adler Roberts

Pastor of Families, 6-8th Humanities Mentor

As a graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in performing arts, Adler spent most of his professional career as an actor and freelance artist, from musical theatre to stunts of biblical proportion to television and film work across the country.

As a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, Adler is currently an athletic coach as well. Having pursued ice skating, hockey, baseball, singing, guitar, photography, and more, Adler's experiences are diverse. These along with his personal testimony give him a passion for equipping young people to be grounded on Christ and pursue excellence in all things.

Adler moved to the city in 2018 with his lovely wife Anna, a film instructor in Philadelphia whom he absolutely adores. He is deeply passionate about the importance of stories and the impact they have on the human soul. Adler has had a variety of training as a Humanities instructor and has recently obtained his Master's Degree in Classical Education from Templeton Honors College. Adler is excited to come alongside students to help each come to know their own stories; communicate them well through writing, speaking, acting, film, or any art form; and most importantly to live them out to the glory of God.
